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Privacy Statement Japan

Revised: February 17 2021

Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation (hereinafter “MFTBC”) in some cases receives your personal data as part of its business activities. The protection of your privacy in the processing of your personal data is an important concern to which we pay special attention during our business processes.

MFTBC processes the personal data received according to the Act on Protection of Personal Information (APPI) as well as related ministerial ordinances and guidance, and Daimler Data Protection Policy.

Please find the Daimler Data Protection Policy here.

With regard to the handling of EU residents’ personal data, please find the Privacy Statement EU here.

With regard to the handling of employees’ and candidates’ personal data, a separate Privacy Policy regarding employee data applies and can be found in the Daimler Intranet as part of rules of employment. Applicants will find the respective policy on the recruiting site.

For information on how MFTBC uses website visitor information, please refer to our Cookie Statement here.

1. Collection and Processing of Personal Data

In addition to “Special care-required personal information” (race, creed, social status, medical history, criminal record, facts regarding suffered damage from a crime etc.), labor union membership, linage and permanent domicile, and information related to medical treatment  and sexual orientation (“sensitive information”) will not be acquired, processed, or transferred to third parties, unless required by the Act on Protection of Personal Information and its related acts and guidelines, or unless a consent has been acquired.

MFTBC takes the utmost care to prevent leaks, falsification, loss, etc. of your personal data by regular internal audits and continuous improvements of its security measures.

When you visit our website, our web server automatically records your IP address, the web site from which you visit us, the web pages you actually visit and the date and length of your visit. Personal data is only stored if consented by you, for example in the context of a registration, a survey, a contest or in execution of a contract.

2. Purpose of Utilization of Personal Data

MFTBC utilizes your personal data only for the following purposes. MFTBC may change the Purpose of Utilization beyond the scope which is reasonably considered that the Purpose of Utilization after the change is duly related to that before the change. When this occurs, MFTBC notifies you of the changed Purpose of Utilization or publicly announces it e.g. on our website (

(1) Announcement of new products, periodic checks, vehicle inspections, services, etc.

(2) Announcement of estimates of our products and services, e.g. new and used vehicles, parts, vehicle inspection, etc.

(3) Provision of information for products and services of insurance companies (including mutual aid associations)*, such as non-life insurance (fraternal insurance), life insurance and accompanying/related services, for whom MFTBC work as their agency.

*Please find the list of Insurance Companies and Mutual Aid Associations in scope in Section 8 below.

(4) Announcement of various applications to and enrollment in services and memberships as well as implementation of contract procedure.

(5) Support and implementation of your purchase of our product and after-sales services.

(6) Provision of feedback to your requests, suggestions and inquiries made to us.

(7) Announcement of various events/campaigns, and shipping of products, etc.

(8) Research on product development and customer satisfaction.

(9) Credit rating and -administration.

(10) Ensuring and providing safety measures for our vehicles; early repair activities of vehicles subject to recall, improvement measures and service campaigns, and provision of information according to article 57, paragraph 2 of the Road Transportation Vehicle Law.

(11) Creation of statistical information to be utilized for improvement of services by MFTBC, our distributors and dealers, Daimler Group companies and subsidiaries/affiliates.

(12) Creation of statistical information to be utilized for development of new products by MFTBC, our distributors and dealers, Daimler Group companies and subsidiaries/affiliates.

(13) For further purpose of utilization that MFTBC has expressed, notified of announced to the customers separately.

(14) Provision of personal information listed below to our distributors and dealers, Daimler Group companies and subsidiaries/affiliates in writing or by electronic media. However, the provision will be stopped upon request from you.

[Items to be provided]

Full name, contact information such as address and phone number, place of work including company name, departments, functions, and contact information, contract information such as delivery address, vehicle related information such as purchasing/servicing histories, telematics data, and information regarding your request/inquiry.

(15) Provision of personal information listed below to members of Japan Automobile Dealers Association in writing or by electronic media. However, the provision will be stopped upon request from you.

[Items to be provided]

Full name, date of birth, contact information such as address and phone number, information regarding your request/inquiry/transactions, place of work and contractual information such as date, product, value, payment terms, outstanding payment. etc.

(16) In case the provision of these information is permitted by law.


We will only disclose your data to governmental authorities in cases where it is required by law. Our employees, suppliers, distributors and dealers are obliged by us to respect confidentiality.

3. Discontinuation of utilization of personal data

MFTBC utilizes your personal data for marketing of our products and services and conducting surveys. Provision of your personal data is voluntary. Upon receiving your request, we will disclose, correct, or discontinue using your personal data in compliance with legal requirements. Please refer to Section 5 for the request forms and contact details.

4. Security

MFTBC has technical and organizational security measures in place in order to protect the data we have under our control against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction and against access by unauthorized persons. Our security procedures are continually enhanced as new technology becomes available.

5. Disclosure of Personal Data

Upon written request, MFTBC or its representatives will inform you by letter without delay what personal data is stored by us as defined by applicable law. We take the utmost care to keep personal data correct and up-to-date, however in case of any incorrect data is stored or used, we will correct it at your request .

Should you have questions regarding the processing of your personal data you can contact the Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Customer Center. We will give feedback to your enquiries, suggestions or complaints, in cooperation with our data compliance officer. Requests for disclosure, correction, and discontinuation of processing activities of your personal data should also be made here.

For the details of procedure and contact information about requesting disclosure of personal data, please refer to the bottom part of the page.


Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Customer Center

Toll Free Number (only in Japan): 0120-324-230

Available 9:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00 on Monday – Friday (except for holidays)

* Please note that we record our conversation and document your phone number for our documentation.

Data Compliance Officer

Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation
10 Ohkura-cho, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa
211-8522  Japan


6. Provision of Personal Data to External Parties

MFTBC provides your personal data to third parties only in case of the following:

(1) In case MFTBC obtained your consent

(2) In case MFTBC outsources handling of personal data within the scope necessary for the achievement of the Purpose of Utilization

(3) In case personal data will be transferred as a result of a merger, corporate split-up transfer of business etc.

(4) In case personal data will be provided to the Joint Users as defined in Section 7

(5) In case provision of the information is permitted by law

7. Joint Utilization of Personal Data

MFTBC may provide your personal data to external parties for the purpose of joint utilization as defined below.

MFTBC remains responsible for the data administration.

8. List of Insurance Companies and Mutual Aid Associations

Please refer to respective companies’ Purpose of Utilization on their web pages.

9. Others

MFTBC reserves itself the right to make necessary amendments and changes to this privacy statement. In such cases, MFTBC will properly inform via e.g. its homepage.

Process for requesting disclosure of personal data

Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Customer Center

We really appreciate your continuous support of Mitsubishi Fuso.

Below, we provide you an overview of the necessary documents and steps in order to request the disclosure of your personal data.

1. Please send in the necessary documents via post.
2. The customer center will check the information provided and perform an identity check via phone. Please transfer the fee to our bank account within one week after receiving the phone call.
3. After confirmation of the payment, we will provide you the desired information via post. As there are various internal checks to be performed, it might take approximately 2 weeks from the day of payment confirmation.

Important points regarding the process

1. When making a disclosure request, please provide the documents below to the Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Customer Center via post (at customers’ expense):
a. Personal data disclosure request form
b. A copy of any of the following documents to verify your identity:
i. Driver’s license
ii. Passport
iii. Insurance card

Post address:

Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation Customer Center

10 Ohkura-cho, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa

211-8522  Japan

1. In case the requester happens to be a former employee, please mark the respective checkbox in the form. In case of a missing check, your will only receive the same information as usual customers.

2. If you are the representative of a person, please also add the document below
a. Document to proof your role as representative
i. Power of Attorney
ii. Copy of family register (in case of parent)
iii. Copy of written judicial decision, proofing start of guardianship (in case of guardian)
b. A copy of any of the following documents to verify the identity of the representative:
i. Driver’s license
ii. Passport
iii. Insurance card

3. Following the stipulations of APPI, article 33, we will charge a fee.
Kindly transfer the fee to the bank account below. The costs of transfer will be at the expense of the requestor.
For the time frame of payment, refer to the upper section “process flow”

Fee: 1,100 Yen (incl. tax) per each request form.

Current account: 9057970

4. Based on Article 28, para 2 of the APPI, MFTBC reserves the right to decline disclosure requests
a. in cases in which there is a possibility of harming a principal or third party’s life, body, property or other rights and interests,
b. in cases where there is a possibility of interfering seriously with MFTBC implementing its business properly
c. or in case of violating other laws or regulations.
5. Documents provided will not be returned. Furthermore, the documents will be used to perform the disclosure proceedings.
6. In case of questions, please contact the customer center below:

Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Customer Center

Toll Free Number (only in Japan, in Japanese language): 0120-324-230

Available 9:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00 on Monday – Friday (except for holidays)

Disclosure request form:

The form for disclosure of personal data can be downloaded here (currently Japanese only)


Correction and further request forms

Process flow

1. Please send in the necessary documents via post.
2. The customer center will check the information provided and perform an identity check via phone. Please transfer the fee to our bank account within one week after receiving the phone call.
3. After confirmation of the payment, we will provide you the desired information via post. As there are various internal checks performed, it might take approximately 2 weeks from the day of payment confirmation.

Important points regarding the process

1. When making a request, please provide the documents below to the Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Customer Center via post (at customers’ expense):
a. Personal data disclosure request form
b. A copy of any of the following documents to verify your identity:
i. Driver’s license
ii. Passport
iii. Insurance card

Post address:

Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation Customer Center
10 Ohkura-cho, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa
211-8522  Japan

2. In case the requestor happens to be a former employee, please mark the respective checkbox in the form. In case of a missing check, your will only receive the same information as usual customers.

3. If you are the representative of a person, please also add the document below
a. Document to proof your role as representative
i. Power of Attorney
ii. Copy of family register (in case of parent)
iii. Trial document, proofing start of guardianship (in case of guardian)
b. A copy of any of the following documents to verify the identity of the representative:
i. Driver’s license
ii. Passport
iii. Insurance card
4. Request will be evaluated, considering the provisions of the APPI. Where reason for request is not justified by APPI provisions, the request may get rejected.
5. Documents provided will not be returned. Furthermore, the documents will be used to perform the disclosure proceedings.
6. In case of questions, please contact the customer center below:

Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Customer Center

Toll Free Number (only in Japan, in Japanese language): 0120-324-230

Available 9:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00 on Monday – Friday (except for holidays)

* We record our conversation and document your phone number for our documentation.

Correction and further request form

The form for correction and further requests can be downloaded (currently Japanese only).

Power of Attorney form

The mandate to prove you are a representative can be downloaded (currently Japanese only).